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Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Welcome to the ERA Booster Club!   

Make your Annual Contribution Here

New to the Boosters? Here are 10 Ways to Get Involved: 

  1. VOLUNTEER at an event.  Visit our Volunteer page to sign-up!
  2. Become a TEAM COORDINATOR. The boosters support over 20 athletics and activities and rely on team coordinators to be a liaison between your team and the boosters. This communications role offers flexibility to build community at the team level. Contact us to learn more.
  3. ATTEND an upcoming event. Come see the club in action.  We host several fun events throughout the year plus the year-end awards celebration which should not be missed!
  4. Add your flair by joining the EVENTS COMMITTEE.  Simply join an upcoming meeting to see how you can contribute, or drop a note to the Events Directors to get added to the group: events.erabooster@gmail.com.
  5. Share your HOSPITALITY by joining the Concessions Team.  Concessions and admissions are the biggest revenue source for the club, and we need many hands to keep the operations running smoothly.  We always have need for help whether it is in the stand or food running or stocking.  Let us know you want to help by expressing interest.
  6. Really passionate about building community? Join the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  Roles range from really low time commitment to fully invested. Explore open positions to see current opportunities. We can also design a position tailored to your schedule and talents. Just express your interest in joining the board and we will work with you to find a fit.
  7. CONTRIBUTE financially with a tax-deductible donation. We ask each family to make an annual contribution of $30 in order to sustain our core operations and grants.  Wondering how your generosity is put to use?  Check out our accomplishments page for some examples.
  8. Secure a SPONSORSHIP!  We love to promote our local businesses.  Leverage your business relationships or promote your own business through one of our sponsorship packages.  
  9. Share your perspective as a student representative on the STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (Sorry parents, while both students and parents can partake in any of the above, this one is only open to students.) Meet periodically throughout the year to help shape our events into ones you really enjoy sharing with your teammates.  Join by sending a note: events.erabooster@gmail.com
  10. Tell a FRIEND!  Talk to your friends and get them involved too.  Invite them to an event or meeting.  Share what the boosters do and help spread the word.  Many hands make strong communities.  Thank you and thank you to all our countless volunteers helping Gryphons soar! 



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